Contact Us

Our address is SPECTRUM CIL, Unity 12, 9-19 Rose Road, Southampton, SO14 6TE

Our telephone number is 023 8033 0982

Our Textphone (Minicom) number is 023 8020 2649

Our Fax number is 023 8020 2648

Our General E-mail address is

Here is a map if you need to find us.

8 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. Why does your website make no mention of the fact that you are a co-operative, or make any links to other co-operatives? Surely the co-operative values (self-help, solidarity, democracy, equality, equity and self-respnosibility are an important part of what SCIL is about?


  2. Kutaways, is pursuing its goal to make dressing a little
    easier for people in wheelchairs with a unique and versatile coat. Kutaways coats offer comfort, warmth and ease of use,
    making daily dressing easier and providing
    an added measure of self-esteem to the wearer.
    The features of the coat are; Kutaways half-back, high zippered collar, side zippers from the cuffs to the bottom
    of the side seam for easy accessibility and shoulder
    openings to accommodate contoured chair straps. We also make coats with and
    without sleeves. The material used in the coats is Polar Fleece, flannel and
    Commander, a waterproof, breathable and wind-resistant fabric. They are
    comfortable and easy to put on and take off.

    Kutaways is proud of its unique product which provides the wheelchair user with a
    fashionable and comfortable garment that makes dressing for the outdoors an easy
    task rather than an ordeal. For both users and their caregivers, a Kutaways coat
    helps to maintain the quality of living for people in motion.

    For more information about our product go to


  3. I just want to comment looking for more info pack towards indepentent living section, catergories on housing 5 learning disability 8 our lives r for living 8 self directed suport on this site

    It keeps flashing up like POP UPS on the subjacks I have interest in. I am serious about finding contact prices with DISA Disability short breaks for adults wth disability needs 32 kentish road S/Hampton could you inform them to post me their brochure details or call my keyworker looking for similar needs indepentent living on 028 38347537 Nigel Canavon CMHT ) but do please sent me a gift in credit crunch this xmas appeal on those other subjacks topics above for independent living housing 4 mental health 7 learning disability and your dating site talking about mental health housing issues how to log on any fees charges for using it’s site? Many thanks for services in your area I do hope to take part in 2009.

    many thanks Paul Buerk


  4. I,Sri manoj parajuli, superintendent, North Eastern Regional Multipurpose school and handicapped Training Centre(Regd.under PWD Act,1995) would like to know about funding organisation for physically handicapped and mentally retarded children. Our institution providing education,training and rehabilitation to the physically disabled and mentally retarded children fo the North-East India.It is the only institution of its kind in this region.
    thanking you & have a nice day to you.

    sincerely yours.

    Sri Manoj Parajuli, Superintendent.
    North Eastern Regional Multipurpose school and handicapped Training Centre.
    Village:Balipukhuri,PO:Burigang,Zip:784176.District:Sonitpur,Assam (India).
    Fax: +913715223041.
    Contact No. : +919859043246


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